What is the best way to check-in my Cabinotch Component parts?

Ideally, you will unpack and check-in all your components as soon as they arrive to make sure nothing is damaged or missing. By doing this, you provide time to get replacements for damaged or missing parts before you are in desperate need of them.

The clear down-side to this process is the parts might be in your way if you go through this process and just stack them against a wall, so we suggest you either make or purchase carts to store your parts in that are mobile so you can move them around to get them or keep them out of your way until they are needed. Typically these carts full of parts will take up no more room than our pallet/box, so there is really no downside if you invest in the carts.

The up-side is you are not just checking the parts in, you are sorting them, and ideally you will sort them by cabinet number which will make assembly much easier and far quicker. Take a look at our Blog post on Sorting Your Cabinotch Components for a more in-depth look at this process.