*Cabinotch highly recommends that upon submitting a KCD .job file to your account, you reference the REPORT for "Cabinotch Drawers". This report will reflect the drawer dimensions being purchased.
The shallowest under-mount drawer guide that Blum makes is a 9" slide, the shallowest cabinet that a 9" drawer guide will fit into is 11-1/2". In KCD, you should not expect to get a drawer box if the cabinet depth is less than 11-1/2" depth.
For cabinet depths from 11-1/2" to 13-7/16", Cabinotch will produce a 9" drawer.
For cabinet depths from 13-1/2" to 16-7/16", we will produce a 12" depth drawer box.
For cabinet depths between 16-1/2" and 19-7/16", we will produce a 15" depth drawer box.
For cabinet depths between 19-1/2" and 22-7/16", we will produce an 18" depth drawer box.
For cabinet depths between 22-1/2" and 25-7/16", we will produce a 21" depth drawer box.
For cabinet depths equal to or greater than 25-1/2", we will produce a 24" depth drawer box.